

漫アゲ ネタ
こゆと言います! 子育ての合間にマンガを読んだり アニメを見て息抜きすることが 大好きな主婦です。 このサイトでは私のオススメを 中心に掲載しています。 他にも紹介してほしい マンガやアニメがありましたら メールにてお気軽に ご連絡ください。
こゆと言います! 子育ての合間にマンガを読んだり アニメを見て息抜きすることが 大好きな主婦です。 このサイトでは私のオススメを 中心に掲載しています。 他にも紹介してほしい マンガやアニメがありましたら メールにてお気軽に ご連絡ください。
1: 名無しのアニゲーさん 2024/09/08(日) 07:30:40.608 ID:oLa84zYpk
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ぶつかり男 butsukari otoko
I want to share an experience that happened with me not once but twice I researched and I found out that also foreign women and Japanese women have experienced this as well. It literally means a man running into you. it happened twice on two different occasions the first one is a very old man in his sixties the second one is a young man in his twenties they shouldered me really hard They bumped into my shoulder with crazy strength the young one hit my chin as well really hard and my shoulder actually bruised. It scared me a lot the first time and I cried because I didn’t understand what was happening and I thought it was because I was a foreigner, but no, apparently it’s a phenomenon and Japanese men just like doing that out of spite to women and it’s really really weird, and also really scary i wanted to put this out here for the women living there ! 

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